In its earliest days the internet promised to make the world more open and connected. In many ways it has fulfilled this promise, especially as we are socially distant from our extended networks during multiple crises: a worldwide health pandemic, racial injustice, financial volatility, and global political uncertainty. The explosion of digital media has presented multiple challenges: the proliferation of misinformation, deterioration of civil discourse, threat of international interference in elections, lack of representation of people from diverse and marginalized backgrounds, and much more. It's time to examine the net impact of digital media on communities and democracies across the globe. Where are the efforts to foster progress and inclusion by elected and corporate leaders as well as visionary advocates and thought leaders? Are our elected officials and technology companies doing enough to support freedom of speech and a civil society—both online and offline? Watch it here.
Hany Farid Professor, University of California Berkeley School of Information
Tristan Harris Co-Founder and Executive Director, Center for Humane Technology; Former Design Ethicist, Google
Karen Kornbluh Senior Fellow and Director, Digital Innovation and Democracy Initiative, The German Marshall Fund of the United States
Niloofar Razi Howe Senior Fellow, Cybersecurity Initiative, New America Foundation; former Chief Strategy Officer, RSA; former Operating Partner, Paladin Capital Group
Willow Bay Dean and Walter H. Annenberg Chair in Communication, USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism